The Greatest Opportunity

7 videos • 2,135 views • by Joey Bonifacio During the fast at the start of the year, the Lord impressed a word to me. The essence of the message was that with the Greatest Obstacles come the Greatest Opportunities, from the Book of Numbers. Unbeknownst to me, it would become the foundation for a series of messages that I have been preaching at Every Nation Singapore as the virus reached our shores. One of the early incidents of infection was just two blocks away from our office, which is four blocks away from where we live. It was then that I had the same impression of the Greatest Opportunity, this time coming out of the Hebrews 12. It has become the basis for the last 5 messages of 6. By the third week of February, it became obvious that we had no recourse but to do our services online. Every Nation Singapore was one of the first churches to make that decision. In the last six weeks that I have been preaching these messages, I have shared the messages with some of my friends and have been told that it has brought a measure of comfort.