「トンボたち - 優雅な空の狩人」"Dragonflies - The Elegant Sky Hunters"
11 videos • 0 views • by Zasoso - Tiny Wooden Houses by Short and Art "Meet the masters of flight who captured my attention with their incredible aerial skills and mosquito-hunting prowess! Though my attempt to keep them as indoor pest control didn't quite work out, this amusing experiment led to something even better - countless fascinating encounters in nature. These elegant hunters have surprised me with their unexpected friendliness, sometimes allowing close observation of their beautiful features. Watch as they showcase their amazing flight abilities and discover why these graceful insects never cease to amaze me with their charm." 「驚くべき飛行能力と蚊を捕まえる狩りの上手さに魅了されたトンボたち。室内で蚊取り名人として迎えようとした珍しい試みは失敗に終わりましたが、それがきっかけとなって、自然の中での素敵な出会いが始まりました。意外にも人懐っこい性格で、近くで観察させてくれることもあり、その美しい姿に魅入られる日々。卓越した飛行術を見せてくれる彼らの魅力的な世界をご紹介します。」