「バレエダンサー・カマキリ」"Ballet Dancer - The Elegant Mantis"
29 videos • 0 views • by Zasoso - Tiny Wooden Houses by Short and Art "Welcome to the fascinating world of our mantis friend, a true master of contrasts! Watch as this elegant creature performs unique dances that will steal your heart, then switches to its fierce defensive poses. Sometimes it would boldly approach us with curiosity, while other times it showed its unexpectedly adorable side - delicately licking cheese from chopsticks and nibbling on bonito flakes. Yet true to its wild nature, it wouldn't hesitate to feast on grasshoppers with impressive vigor. Each day brought new surprises, making our time together an unforgettable adventure filled with both grace and untamed spirit." 「優雅な踊り手であり、時に野性味あふれる姿を見せる我が家のカマキリをご紹介します。独特の可愛らしいダンスを披露かと思えば、りりしい警戒の身構えを見せ、時には大胆にこちらへ向かってくることも。箸についたチーズをぺろぺろ舐めたり、鰹節を食べる愛らしい姿に心を奪われる一方で、バッタを頭から豪快に食べる野性的な一面も。この魅力的な二面性を持つ彼との時間は、毎日が新しい発見と楽しみに満ちていました。」