「大好きなナナフシ - すべての始まり」"My Beloved Walking Sticks - Where It All Began"
50 videos • 2 views • by Zasoso - Tiny Wooden Houses by Short and Art "Join me in reminiscing about my first encounter with walking stick insects - the creatures that opened my eyes to the fascinating world of insects. What started as a chance meeting in a spring forest turned into a delightful journey of discovery. These peculiar-looking friends, with their comical movements and selective eating habits, taught me that even the simplest moments - like finding their favorite leaves or watching them contentedly munching away - can bring unexpected joy. Though I've since met many wonderful insects, walking sticks remain my most cherished companions, having shown me how rewarding it can be to share your life with these gentle creatures." 「虫たちの魅力的な世界への入り口となった、ナナフシをご紹介。春の林道での偶然の出会いは、やがて素敵な発見の日々へと変わっていきました。一見とがった針金のような不思議な姿をしているけれど、コミカルな動きと好き嫌いのある食べっぷりに、思わぬ愛らしさを感じる日々。好物の葉っぱを探しに出かけたり、美味しそうに食べる姿を眺めたり、そんなささやかな時間が特別な楽しみとなりました。今では様々な虫たちと出会っていますが、やはりナナフシが大切な原点です。」