2013 SBC Conference
8 videos • 1,003 views • by Saint Benedict Center / Catholicism.org Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean? Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. — Opening Remarks CD, DVD, MP3, or Mp4 Dr. Robert Hickson — Reflections on the End of Time: Transcending the Dialectic of Liberal and Conservative CD, DVD, or MP3, or Mp4 Sr. Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. — Conserving The Liberal Arts For Salvation — Saint Benedict Center and Intellectual Formation CD, DVD, MP3 or MP4 Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. — The Illiberality of Religious Liberalism CD, DVD or MP3 Mr. Gary Potter — Where Do We Go From Here? CD, DVD or MP3 Mr. Yves Jacques — Social Credit in the Light of the Catholic Social Teaching and the Application at a Community Level CD, DVD or MP3 Mr. Charles Coulombe — Conservatism in America - Has it Ever Existed? CD, DVD or MP3 Mr. Brian Kelly — Liberalism in Faith or Morals is a Sin, but is Conservatism a Virtue? CD, DVD or MP3 Mr. C. Joseph Doyle — Liberalism: The Modern Phase of Odium Fidei CD, DVD or MP3 Panel Discussion (all speakers / moderated) CD, DVD or MP3