The True Israel of God: A People Of Faith, Not Race

24 videos • 4,271 views • by Shattering False Foundations In this video series, we will learn the difference between Israel according to the flesh and Israel according to the Spirit. We will see powerful truths revealed to us from Scripture that establish the Church to be the true Israel of God today consisting of Old and New Testament saints (both Jew and Gentile) who have walked by faith. It's always been by grace through faith, not by race. We see that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of Israel and anyone found in Him by faith is considered a true Jew/Israelite. We will learn how this happened for the faithful in the Old Testament days according to Scripture. We are not in a Gentile Church age, rather according to Ephesians 2, the Church is both Jew and Gentile reconciled to God in one body through Jesus Christ. We will learn about the dangers of dispensationalism and see how important it is for us to understand that the only way for anyone to ever be saved since Pentecost until the Lord returns on the last day is for them to obey the gospel in faith under the New Covenant and become part of the Church, the true Israel of God.