49 videos • 1,547 views • by Grace Bible Church First Samuel chapter 16, today we begin a study of a young man who skipped all the funds Ville of his day. And here is a young person who was not stupid. He was a young person who did not go all out in his youth, for all the things that life and the world were offering. But instead, here's the young person who went all out in his youth for doctrine. DAVID 50 PART MP3 SERIES PASTOR BOB MCLAUGHLIN 1990 Please see the attached PDF document in our app for full notes. Instructions for our app are in this description as well as on our website: GBIBLE.ORG Grace Bible Church Pastor Robert R. McLaughlin GBIBLE.ORG IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO OUR EMAIL LIST FOR FULL NOTES – PLEASE EMAIL & INDICATE SO @: DLG@GBIBLE.ORG THE GBIBLE APP IS NOW AVAILABLE!!! Here are some instructions for anyone who may have trouble or don’t know how to find our new app: If you're going to look it up on the app store - we are actually "New England Bible Doctrine Church '' that's only if you're going to search that way - btw - way too many Grace Bible Churches - so this is kind of a good thing! Also attached are 2 links - 1 for Apple IOS and the 2 for Android Google Play: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id16239... https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... If you’re an apple user as stated it’s going to be the first link 😊 If your Android click on the 2nd You will see a big white "G" with the word Bible enwrapped in the G - circle against a dark marble blue background. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DAVID SERIES: https://subsplash.com/gbcpodcast/mp3-... Pastor Robert R. McLaughlin was ordained by the late Col. R. B. Thieme, Jr. of Berachah Church in Houston, Texas. No price appears on any material from Grace Bible Church or Robert R. McLaughlin Bible Ministries. Anyone who desires Bible teachings may obtain them without charge or obligation. God provides Bible doctrine; we wish to reflect His grace. This Ministry operates entirely on voluntary contributions. When gratitude for the Word of God motivates believers to give, they have the privilege of contributing to the dissemination of Bible doctrine. Your contributions are tax deductible. Gbible.org is a Grace Ministry. Robert R. McLaughlin Bible Ministries and Grace Bible Church are non-denominational. We are dedicated to teaching the Word of God from the original languages and making it available at no charge throughout the world.