πŸ™ POPE FRANCIS: Same Sex Unions Blessed πŸ™

5 videos β€’ 0 views β€’ by Breaking News Today πŸ“– POPE FRANCIS: Same Sex Unions Blessed πŸ“– For the first time, Pope Francis hinted that Catholic priests might bless same-sex unions on an individual basis, which seems contrary to his prior remarks. This suggestion came in a letter addressed to some of his staunchest critics within the Church. The letter was a response to a "dubia" (Latin for "doubt") from five conservative cardinals, an official query seeking a straightforward answer from a Pope about his Church management decisions. Cardinals Walter Brandmuller, Raymond Leo Burke, Juan Sandoval Iniguez, Robert Sarah, and Joseph Zen Ze-kiun originally sent their letter on July 10. It revolved around a forthcoming bishops' gathering in October and its potential implications for Church doctrine. The letter also questioned Pope Francis's stance on blessing same-sex unions and the possibility of ordaining women as priests. Dissatisfied with the Pope's first reply, as noted by American Cardinal Raymond Burke's blog post, the cardinals revised their "dubia" and sent it again on August 21. They emphasized the seriousness of their concerns. On September 25, the Vatican disclosed a Spanish letter from Cardinal Victor Manuel FernΓ‘ndez, the Vatican's top doctrinal authority, which contained Pope Francis's answers to the "dubia" and was endorsed by "Francis." Concerning same-sex unions, the Pope underlined the Church's position that marriage is solely between a man and a woman. However, the letter revealed his openness to blessing individuals in same-sex relationships. Pope Francis expressed that seeking a blessing signifies a plea for divine guidance and a belief in a higher power that can improve one's life. He added that the clergy should carefully determine which blessings might misrepresent the Church's view on marriage. Interestingly, this response from the Pope contrasts with his March declaration, where he asserted that the Church couldn't bless same-sex unions because they represent a "sin." #shorts, #PopeFrancis, #PopeFrancisSameSex, #SameSexUnions, #CatholicChurch, #Blessings, #ReligiousDebate, #Dubia, #VaticanNews, #ChurchDoctrine, #Cardinals, #FaithAndLove, #ReligiousReform, #ChurchProgress, #MarriageEquality, #DivineGuidance, #ReligiousRights, #HolySee, #PapalDecisions, #ClergyViews, #FaithJourney, #ChurchStand, #ReligiousDialogue, #SpiritualInsights, #BlessingsNotSin, #FaithfulLove, #PapalResponse, #DoctrineDebate, #ChurchEvolution, #HolyDiscussion, #ReligiousAcceptance, #ModernFaith