10 videos • 598 views • by Grupė Padugnės Debut album from the band ``Padugnės''. Vilnius based garage underground punkrock band active as early as 2012 makes their move towards publicity. The records were carefully forged in Vilnius record studio Muzlab by producer Thrigger and mastered at Polymastering. The album is made compromising diy principle and the quality. Ten original tracks brings the rocknroll classics, punkrock attitude and garage cultural phenoma to you as a slap-in-your-face aesthetics. credits released March 14, 2022 You can buy it here: https://padugnes.bandcamp.com/album/ia Nindzė - guitar solos, lead guitar, backvocals. Falschas - vocals and rythm guitar. Kreshas - vocals and bass. Preachkus - drums, backvocals, tambourine. Lyrics by Kreshas (Visi Lygūs, Milijonas, Tada ir Dabar, Muštynės) and Falschas (Varguolių Bliuzas, Padugnių Manifestas, Juoda Kava, Ir VIlniuje Gyventi Galima, Mergina su Atsuktuvu, Viskas Ko Reikia). Recorded and mixed in 2021 by Rimtautas Piskarskas at ``Muzlab studios''. Mastered in 2022 by Vadim Chelnokov at ``Polymastering''. Artwork by Falschas. Original photo by Aliona Kalbasova. Released by Grupė Padugnės in 2022.