Olympic Brass

11 videos • 3,242 views • by Александр Голиков - Сoncert life Olympic Brass -один из самых ярких и стильных коллективов Санкт-Петербурга. Зажигательные композиции, зарубежных и отечественных фильмов не дадут скучать гостям. Все участники являются лауреатами всероссийских и международных конкурсов, что говорит о качестве звучания коллектива Ensemble «Olympic brass» was founded in 2006 by students of St. Petersburg Conservatory. Band brought up in classic traditions is sensitive to modern music styles. Musicians play Baroque and classical music, works by Russian composers, modern music and popular songs. A special place in the ensemble's repertoire belongs to the soundtracks of different films. All of this you can hear in original arrangement, written specifically for the band. All participants of the ensemble are prizewinners of Russian and International competitions. They are also soloists of main symphony orchestras in St. Petersburg (Mariinsky theatre, State Philharmonic orchestra, Capella of St. Petersburg). The main part of band consists of seven members. However, ensemble often act in an expanded fomat. http://olympicbrass.com/