Songs of the Lifestream - WMGSO's Fall 2022 Concert

13 videos • 270 views • by WMGSO WMGSO's Fall 2022 Concert, Songs of the Lifestream," features a suite of arrangements based on music from Final Fantasy VII, as well as arrangements based on music from UNDERTALE, Spyro the Dragon, Rayman 2, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, and Ar Tonelico. WMGSO is pleased to feature special guest Doug Perry on two of our pieces this season. He is an internationally-renowned percussionist, composer, and educator who frequently records and produces music for video games and film. Music Director: Jamin Morden Asst. Music Director: El Calderon Choir Director: Anthony Khong Program Director: Alyson Parker Kierzewski Audio Producers: Josh Haas PR/Social Media: Kara Welch, Briana Rostkowski Multimedia Director: Meredith ChenLu Twitch Leads: David Werner, Jarel Jones, Fabio Moreira Library and Repertoire Team: Zeynep Dili, Thomas Ashcom, Charlotte Johnson, Ben Ryer