Re:SET Festival ft. LCD Soundsystem, Jamie xx, and IDLES @ SnapDragon Stadium (San Diego, CA), June 3, 2023
26 videos • 711 views • by jimjam LCD Soundsystem's performance was off-the-charts great! Easily one of my favorite concerts of all time. Jamie xx was really good, playing a bunch of new songs/mixes while working in some familiar favorites, and the IDLES were really fun and super gracious. Highlights from LCD Soundsystem included, well honestly, everything, but trying to narrow it a little, "US V Them," "I Can Change," 'tonite," "Losing My Edge, "New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down" and then especially "Tribulations," "Someone Great," "Dance Yrself Clean," and "All My Friends." James Murphy was fantastic, and Nancy really added great dimension to lots of songs, and the band was just nails all night! From Jamie xx, his mix/performance was really good, but he didn't interact with the audience at all, just a simple wave hello and goodbye. That said "Gosh" was fantastic, and I really liked "LET'S DO IT AGAIN" and a few of his new songs/mixes he hasn't released yet, especially the "Might Cloud of Joy" song. Finally, I only knew IDLES a little but Joe was amazingly gracious and their intense energy and style was so much fun. I really liked "The Wheel," "Never Fight a Man with a Perm," and "Crawl!" I thought I shot a couple of quick videos but the only thing I can find on my phone is the tail end of "Crawl!" All in all, this was an amazing concert/festival. We were only able to go the one night, but would've loved to go another night or two. I really liked Re:SET's new approach to the festival of spreading it out over a few days and having the artists rotate cities between days, that way you get more out of the performances and don't have to pick and choose who to see.