Postal III (Pre-Release and Final videos)
25 videos • 2,224 views • by Krychur Postal III. a game that started out as what we wanted to know as a sequel to Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend, but ended up down the crapper. it was announced in 2006 along with some concept art. we have footage from 2007 when it was first in the form of a new game on the Source engine created by Valve software and was most notably used in Valve's 2004 game Half-Life 2. Postal III was supposed to release in 2008, but because of the GEM (Global Economic Meltdown) that lasted from 2008/9 til sometime in 2010, it was delayed til the year 2009, when Akella (the team Running With Scissors collaborated with) fired the development team and hired another one. this happened again, and again throughout 2009 until the forth team was hired in 2010. this team was called Trashmaster Studios, who pretty much ruined it. the game was re-scheduled to release in 2011. it did, but, once again, late. although the ESRB gave it the status of RP (Rating Pending) in 2009, Akella chose to not have it rated by the ESRB (or anyone for that matter) in order to save money. the finalized version is nothing less than a broken, early, pre-alpha prototype in Running With Scissors' own words. I figured I'd gather up some early alpha & beta footage to show you how it changed throughout "development". anyway, the only reason Postal III made it to Steam was because of the fast acting of Running With Scissors to give the Steam keys to players. take a look at this sorry half-assed excuse of a game for yourself. if you end up buying it (like I did.), just get some mods first to enhance it a little, because it's very broken and needs work. also, two big projects (Postal 3 Unreal, and Catharsis Reborn.) are in the works. we must be patient and wait for them to have a REAL development process. hope you enjoy the playlist, Jack.