Energy Healing Sessions | Ascension Quantum Healing Activations

2 videos • 3 views • by I Getta Kick Outta Woo It's time to release, heal, and shift what is weighing you down, keeping you stuck, and holding you back. Our Ascension Quantum Healing Activations include Crystalline Soul Healing® energy healing, Solfeggio frequencies, and encoded energies to help your Higher Self guide you as you move forward on your soul’s path. Please sit or lie down: We invite you to sit or lie down somewhere comfortable where you may close your eyes and fully receive the healing energies in these Ascension Quantum Healing Activations. Use headphones to better immerse yourself in the experience. Please DO NOT listen to these energy healing activations while driving or operating heavy machinery. The music, Solfeggio frequencies, encoded energies, channeled messages, and Crystalline Soul Healing® are designed to relax your physical, emotional, and mental bodies while reducing your stress and activating your natural healing abilities. You MAY fall asleep or enter a meditative state while listening to this activation. Your Higher Self is in charge: Crystalline Soul Healing® is an alchemical, energetic healing modality developed by Jamye Price that works with your Higher Self. It supports your empowerment as you learn to navigate your life with more wisdom and love. The process releases what your Higher Self believes no longer serves you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And activates what you need to fulfill your soul’s purpose. Bethany is a certified Crystalline Soul Healing® practitioner. #crystallinesoulhealing DISCLAIMER NOT MEDICAL OR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE: We are not medical professionals. Nothing in these videos or accompanying text is intended to substitute for professional or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Information, channeled messages, frequencies, music, and energy healing is provided to relax your physical, mental, and emotional bodies, reducing your stress and supporting your body's innate healing abilities. Crystalline Soul Healing® is an energy healing modality, and like all energy healing, is a complement to professional medical care. Energy Healing results vary by individual and are not guaranteed. We encourage you to always work closely with a qualified healthcare provider who is familiar with your individual medical situation. INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: We at I Getta Kick Outta Woo share information on a variety of topics related to spirituality, energy healing, crystals, human design, astrology, Gene Keys, channeling, and more. The content provided by I Getta Kick Outta Woo is intended for informational purposes only. None of the viewpoints, opinions, text, graphics, images, videos, audios, linked information, or other material provided on this channel are intended to be professional advice or medical advice. And, although we do our best to share accurate information, we are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon any information we provide.