Nursery & Grow out Tanks for Baby Fish
8 videos • 411 views • by Wacky Tails and Fins These Video's will help Set-up a Nursery Tank for baby fish like guppy fry, platy fry, swordtail fry, molly fry, African cichlid fry etc. A Nursery tank is a great way to save all the baby fish & provide them with extra care. Most live-bearers, Tetra Fish, Barb Fish, Rainbow fish are not as good as cichlids when it comes to parenting their baby fish. Hence, a nursery aquarium is required to help these baby fish grow safe & healthy. Depending on the fish a 5 to 20 gallon aquarium is required with a sponge filter & some plants. Floating plants, driftwood some clay pots make a great cover for this baby fish. The videos in this list will help you to take care of baby fish. Do check my website for more information