Barb Fish

5 videos • 41 views • by Wacky Tails and Fins Most of the barb fish in the hobby are native to Asia, Africa & Europe. Barb Fish are schooling fish & do well in planted tanks, Most Barb fish are small in size & should be kept in a school of 6 or more. Water parameter's might differ, however most types of barbs do well in acidic water conditions. Due to captive breeding they have adapted well into more alkaline waters then what's found in their natural habitat. Barbs can be nasty fin-nippers so choose tank mates, Rosy & tiger barbs usually go after any fish with long fins (eg. Angel fish or even Gourami) I would suggest research what tank mates go well with Barbs. These fish also need good amount of Plant food, Spirulina is what I feed along with few types of vegetables every now & then, they would happily eat live food, like micro worms & Daphnia. Barbs can also munch on Leaves of live plants in the aquarium, so research on plants which can be added in Aquarium with Barb's in it.