Types of Tetra Fish
10 videos • 55 views • by Wacky Tails and Fins Tetra fish are among the best choice or planted aquariums. Most types of Tetra are kept in a group of 6 or more. Most of these type of fish form a hierarchy & also school in an aquarium; this makes them great for a planted aquarium. The word tetra means 4 in Greek language, the reason these fish are called Tetra is due to them having 4 unpaired fins, which are dorsal fin, caudal fin, Cloacal fin & the odipose fin. The fleshy Odipose fin is not limited to Tetras, however they are distinguished by the size & geography of their natural freshwater habitat which occurs in Africa, Central & South America. Some fish which are not a Characin or Characids are also named Tetras. Generally Tetras prefer heavily planted aquariums with lower pH levels, most of them are small in size with higher dorsal fins. In the aquarium hobby they all are preferred for planted aquariums, & the produce available are captive bred in ornamental fish farms.Most popular types of small freshwater Tetra are Neon Tetra, Black Neon Tetra, Serpae Tetra, Black skirt Tetra, Red Eye Tetra, Lemon Tetra, Buenos Aires Tetra, Bleeding heart Tetra, Rummy nose Tetra, Glass blood fin Tetra, Congo Tetra, Amber Tetra, Emperor Tetra, Penguin Tetra etc. Each of these fish may have different requirements on aquarium size, number of fish in a same aquarium, water parameters, tank decoration requirements, compatible tanks mates. You need to research on each type of tetra before including them in your aquarium. I make videos on each fish profile & their aquarium requirements & share it on this platform. If you have question you can reach men on my website https://www.aquakri.com or leave a comment here. I will try to answer questions at the earliest.