Different Types of Nano tank set ups (5 to 10 Gallon)
22 videos • 94 views • by Wacky Tails and Fins The Video's in this playlist will help Set-up a Nano-Tank for Guppies, Betta & other small fish. Nano aquarium are popular in fish keeping hobby; anyone who is new to the fish keeping hobby usually gets a small nano tank thinking its easier to maintain one, however the nano tanks are more difficult to maintain than the bigger aquariums. The reason for this is the water chemistry which may change drastically in an nano aquarium than it would do in a bigger aquarium. Most fish cannot tolerate changes in water chemistry like pH, temperature & hardness. These elements may change drastically overnight if the water chemistry is not monitored & changes are not made immediately. Nano tanks look great on a desk top, home or even office. With proper understanding of the water chemistry, the lighting requirement, compatible fish & their numbers in a nano tank, fertilizer quantity & a strict schedule to water changes are few thing you may need to learn & commit to before getting a Nano aquarium. Log on to my website https://www.aquakri.com/ for more information.