Video Podcast
46 videos โข 76 views โข by Carmen Paredes Welcome to Living Intentionally, the podcast that empowers driven women to get unstuck and take their personal and professional lives to the next level. I'm your host, Carmen Benton, and I'm here to help you create the life you truly desire without burning out. As a leading expert in living with amplified alignment between your mind, energy, and soul purpose, I'll be sharing valuable insights on mindset, energy, self-care, business, and much more. Plus, you'll hear from inspiring women who have successfully built businesses and lives that are both meaningful and fulfilling. Join us as we dive deep into the topics that matter most and uncover the secrets to living intentionally. ----- Carmen Benton, Master intuitive mindset and master energy coach in a mission to empower driven women to find happiness by helping them get unstuck and into the next level by achieving amplified alignment in their lives. Let's connect @