Paint with Siti - Arabic Alphabet

31 videos • 129 views • by Siti Nuriati Studio Assalamu alaikum. Peace be Upon you. Siti here and welcome to my new series, Let’s Paint the Arabic Alphabet. Each day, For the next 29 days, I will paint a letter of the arabic alphabet. You’re more than welcome to join me in my journey and paint along with me. One of the best ways to learn something is to write it down. Instead, let’s paint it. Backstory, I used to be intimidated by these letters. That was before I learned them by heart, in order to teach my eldest son the Quran. Then, a few years ago, when I first started teaching the Quran to my youngest son, I began to think about how to teach him in an organized manner. I also used the same technique when teaching to a group of my students too. It’s all about color! I group together letters with the same shape and color them all the same color. I continue to do this until all the letters have been grouped. This makes for easy letter recognition and of course makes learning fun. If you’re interested to paint along with me, you can purchase the coloring pages at