First 5 Videos

5 videos • 0 views • by Seeking the Kingdom These are the first 5 videos that this channel was built on. Before this channel was even created, God gave us a vision of the foundation to build upon. A lot of times through other videos and live streams, Duran mentions the "First 5 Videos", and these are them. You will see how these are not the highest quality in filming or in production, and that is because, rather than overthink everything and wait for the right equipment and "perfect" time, we decided to jump right into it. We think the two most important videos in this playlist are "Why The Church Has Failed All of Us" & "Put Down the Phone & Lift Your Staff". These are two messages put on Duran's heart years ago, and both started as a note in his iPhone - and eventually turned into a message here to share with you. YES LORD!