FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS PAT ° 12 08 2014/15/16/17/18

21 videos • 9 views • by patscircle Dearest Pat please read the channel description info in case you can't read this, thanks I would like, first of all, to thank your parents and your brother Mike for having had YOU and supported you, specially (and of course on the day you were born on an August day like today, You on the 12th in 1954 ~my grandpa, btw from my father side, was also born on a 12th of VIII but of 1998 ) well, resuming, grandly thankful to that specific day when Mike took his friend's Miles vinyl and YOU listened to it and illumined your way to follow your path in music ° You had, have and shall keep on touching millions of souls with what you have created already and will create. Pat, my dear, I don't know how to compose you a beautiful video to celebrate YOU but with deepest emotion that right now blur my vision allow me to tell YOU along with many, many others that your genius in music like that of the most brilliant Master-Composers is not only ahead of time but fulfills another role as well, that of uplifting hearts in the world of dreariness and ceaseless mirage~sand~moving~appearances, so we can cup our minds to drink into oasis from which to gaze at starry skies where distant music of celestial orbs kiss within us the dreaming of our ancient God heavenly origin ° Happiest of Birthdays Mr. Patrick Bruce Metheny GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS~N A M A S T E