EP 4. Kamakakēhau Fernandez: The African-American Singer with a Hawaiian Heart and Soul

1 videos • 116 views • by Hawaiiverse Kamakakēhau Fernandez is an African-American Nā Hōkū Hanohano award-winning singer who was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, but adopted by a family on Maui, Hawaiʻi when he was just six weeks old. He is a graduate of the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program and has been featured in the Hawaiian Language version of The Disney Animation Film “Moana”, in which he plays the role of Tamatoa, the shiny crab. He has performed on numerous stages within the state of Hawai’i as well as stages in the continental United States and Japan. Kamaka, not only has one of the best names I've ever heard, but also has an incredible falsetto that continues to astonish audiences. If anyone were to describe someone as having a "Hawaiian heart and soul," it would definitely be him. Enjoy the episode!