Cow Love Vidio

8 videos • 212,083 views • by INFO FARM we are a woman who has high goals, become successful breeders and is able to inspire young people and women to be proud to be breeders. we will discuss the kinds of cows in our country. Cows are the biggest meat in our village after chickens. The passion of our country's people consuming beef will certainly be very long if traced its history. However, there are some regions in our country that eat pork and dogs. but we don't agree with them. However, in some areas, it opposes, becomes an economic driver in the fields, animal husbandry, beef cattle, and dairy cows. Here you will definitely know the types of cattle commonly traded in animal markets, such as Brahma, Beefalo, and Limousin cattle. This third type is a type of cattle that is popular in our village. Brahma cows for example, this type of cow comes from mainland India which is sent meat, even the seeds to be developed in our village and we bring it to the breeding process because Brahma Beef has fantastic meat quality and weight. This video is about educating the natural livestock community with full limitations and our desire that women also do business in livestock. This video is not for children, thank you