Let's Play #5 || Pac-Man Arrangement
3 videos • 56 views • by SleeplessShitposter Pac-Man Arrangement is an interesting little game. Originally part of a lineup of Namco Arrangement games, including Dig-Dug and Galaga Arrangement, Pac-Man Arrangement has done it's job taking my heart for all these years. I don't know why I love this game so much, to be honest. With cheesy graphics and only 30 minutes of gameplay, you'd expect me to get bored fast. Believe it or not, though, from my days as a little kid to my days as a young adult something as simple as improved Pac-Man is enough to at least make me smile. This game is more along the lines of fun, entertaining, and just nifty rather than a masterpiece, something worthy of your money at this moment, or the next big thing. This version I'm playing is actually NOT from the PlayStation game, but instead the Gameboy Advance's "Pac-Man Collection" which features this, Pac-Man original from the arcade, Pac-Mania (I believe from Genesis?), and Pac-Attack, a game I'm unfamiliar with the origins of. This is also my "end of the world" (according to the Mayan Calendar back in 2012) special. This Let's Play is just a playthrough, but there's nothing in this game besides that. I do, in fact, get a lot of game overs and use hundreds of continues. If you want a good playthrough, check out LaddytheOutcast's Let's Play.