Let's Play #2 || Kirby's Epic Yarn

35 videos • 88 views • by SleeplessShitposter Kirby's Epic Yarn.... Originally released on the Wii, is known for graphics cuter than most Kirby games, and gameplay simpler than a grilled cheese sandwich minus the grilled and cheese. While at first I was pissed at this game for being too easy and not worth the wait for a Kirby on the Wii, I saw it in a more programming sense this time and realized Nintendo put a TON of time and effort forth into this game, and for a kids' game it isn't that bad. It's still one of the easiest games in my library, but I no longer hate it. In fact, I have more respect for this game than I do any other Kirby game. It never gets the appreciation it deserves. Also, sorry about episode 2 and the long intro. This is a full Let's Play. I get all the furniture, get gold ratings all the way up to Bubbly Clouds, where I give up, and complete all the bonus missions. After I realized the rest was just chance, I said I wouldn't continue unless this game had a final bonus level. I still await the day someone tells me of one.