No Man's Sky Braximus XXV #playgame
5 videos • 56 views • by Braximus XXV Braximus XXV's Strange and Wonderful Space Journey In No Man's Sky, you can simultaneously explore an entire procedurally generated universe with billions of stars and planets. One player, who goes by Admiral Braximus XXV on YouTube, has decided to do just that — except his journey has become very strange. Braximus XXV has started compiling short videos every day showing off some of the many astonishing discoveries he's made in this vast universe while putting on some fun music to keep up the thrill of exploration and discovery. Admiral Braximus XXV is an explorer in No Man's Sky. He doesn't speak a lot while exploring. Still, he shares what he finds in his space journey almost daily, with the occasional music or short cinematic to add flavour. He has been taking a voyage of discovery throughout the universe with a blend of pictures, text, music and short cinematics that are well worth a look if you want to explore the game in a new way. And now, we're going to join him as his extraordinary adventure continues... Admiral Braximus XXV has uncovered some of the most intriguing features of No Man's Sky. He shares his discoveries with us almost daily, Admiral Braximus XXV is on a Space journey in no man's sky. He speaks a little through his exploration, but he shares his discoveries in the weird space of NMS almost daily, puts on some enjoyable music, and creates short cinematics. His pages show a mix of alien life, beautiful structures, space battles, planet explorations, and procedurally generated planets with their flora and fauna.