Psychedelic Visuals Playlist | Trippy 4K AI-Generated Art for LSD Trips & Inner Peace

125 videos • 839 views • by Psychonaut Visuals Dive into a mesmerizing psychedelic visuals playlist designed for a transformative and peaceful journey. These trippy 4K visuals, featuring AI-generated psychedelic art, are perfect for creating a chill vibe whether you're on an LSD trip, exploring the depths of a magic mushroom experience, or seeking inner peace and soul healing. Ideal to watch while high, this collection of visuals taps into transcendence, helping to open your third eye and guide you through a deeper state of awakening. Whether you're looking for relaxing visuals during an acid trip or just need a peaceful escape, this playlist will take you on a journey of gratefulness and psychedelic experiences. #TrippyVisuals #PsychedelicVisuals #LSDTrip #MagicMushrooms #AcidTrip #AIGenerated #SoulHealing #InnerPeace #ThirdEyeAwakening #WatchWhileHigh #PsychedelicArt #TrippyVisuals4K #Transcendence #ChillVibes **Contact us for creating stunning Video Visuals at: