The OLSP System Training and Tutorials: Learn the Exact Strategies I used to Generate $10,322.81 with The OLSP System | How to Earn Commissions Online

4 videos • 168 views • by MrJ Traffic Videos included in this Playlist: 1. My Secret Strategy to making over $10,322.81 with the OLSP System (INTRODUCTION) - Treat OLSP like a real business. 1. Developing the right mindset If you treat OLSP like a business it will pay you like a business If you treat OLSP like a lottery it will pay you like a lottery ticket If you treat OLSP like a job it will pay you like a job (Not a very high paying job...) 2. Excluding emotions from your business decisions Don't make business decisions based on how you feel Make your business decisions based on facts and real bnumbers You MUST be optimistic about your Goals but be pesimistic about details 3. Having a plan (Next Video = 3 Easy ways to Earn Commissions with OLSP) - Crunch the numbers like a real business. - Invest time, money and passion like you would a real business. 2. 3 ways to Earn Commissions online with The OLSP System (OverView) - CDPro 1. CDPro is free with Megalink for $7 one time. 2. Submit FB comments to earn 25c per comment. 3. Check for new CDPro Posts to comment on Daily. - Megalink 1. Purchase MegaLink for only $7 one time. 2. Purchase a 200 click Solo Ad Traffic Package. 3. Send your traffic package directly to your MegaLink. - Magicklink 1. Purchase the Magcik Link for only $7 one time. 2. Build a Sales Funnel to start building your email list. (TD Pages, Megabuilder or Anything else you want...) 3. Send your 100 Free Clicks to your Sales Funnel Landing Page. 4. Purchase the $47 per month Traffic Rotator. 5. Purchase additional Solo Ad Traffic from inside OLSP. 4. The Secret to making OLSP Commissions FAST ($$$ Strategy Part 1.) - Comment Dominator Pro 1. Purchase Megalink for only $7 one time and get CDPro for free! 2. Login daily to see new posts to comment on. 3. Routinely Login EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Bonus: Free FB "Cheat Sheet" +99 Copy & Paste Wall Posts. 5. Fastest way to promote your OLSP Megalink ($$$ Strategy Part 2.) - Mega Link ($7 Product) 1. Buy clicks weekly or monthly 2. Create social media action plan 3. Stick to your routine every single month Bonus: Free Traffic "Cheat Sheet" + My Top 5 Reviable Solo Ad Traffic Sources. 6. The Money is in your List: OLSP Magick Link ($$$ Strategy Part 3.) - Magick Link ($7 Product) 1. Follow instructions to setup your Magick Link Funnel. ($47 per month) 2. Follow instructions to claim your 100 free clicks. 3. Purchase regular traffic to build your list. 4. Sending daily follow up emails to get more sales. Bonus: Free Traffic "Cheat Sheet" + My Top 5 Reliable Solo Ad Traffic Sources. To your success, MrJ