6天健康瑜伽挑戰 / 6-day “Health and Yoga Challenge”
7 videos • 116 views • by KarunaSeeds Yoga 感謝大家一起上線參加我們的6天健康瑜伽挑戰!每個人都獲得了滿滿的能量開啟一天的工作! 😃✨ 想瞭解更多瑜伽古老智慧嗎?加入我們的33天打好基礎瑜伽旅程! 報名或看更多👉 https://cn.karunaseeds.com/ltf-landin... =================================== 🌟透過打開身體的結讓能量流通,讓你一整天都充滿活力的瑜伽練習!🌞|尼古瑪瑜伽培訓課程|🌈最新課程報名請洽詢慈悲種子瑜伽官方line 🌞將和平與平衡的能量傳播出去,一起學習深入人心的美麗古老瑜伽智慧🙌|日月合一200小時瑜伽師資培訓|🌈最新課程報名請洽詢慈悲種子瑜伽官方line ✨打好堅實的瑜伽基礎,在家就能開始的瑜伽旅程✨|33天打好基礎線上瑜伽旅程|https://cn.karunaseeds.com/ltf-landin... 你可以在哪裡找到我們👇 🌈Official LINE ID: @karunaseedsyoga | https://lin.ee/ScJzGQf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karunaseeds... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karunaseedsy... Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdF... Linktree: https://linktr.ee/admin 💫更認識我們的首席指導師Prema Karina Web: https://www.premakarina.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoga.premak... Linktree: https://linktr.ee/premakarina 💫更了解我們——慈悲種子瑜伽|透過傳播古老的瑜伽智慧,讓慈悲的種子在你心中發芽🌱 官方學習網站:https://www.karunaseedsyoga.com -------------------------------------- 透過瑜珈,增強免疫力! 歡迎與我們一起度過 6 天鼓舞人心的時光,體驗這歷史悠久且強大的練習:咒語拜日式(Suryanamaskar with mantras) 活動日期:2024/7/22(一)~7/27(六) 活動時間:上午7:00~7:30(台灣時間) 【活動內容】 Karina老師將帶領我們在7月22到7月27日,每天早上進行30分鐘的練習。任何人都能學習這簡單而有力量的瑜伽,即使有身體上的限制,也可以加入我們鍛鍊意志和持咒。練習內容包括幾回的拜日式配合咒語,以及其他體位法和呼吸練習,藉由這些練習,幫助我們集中能量讓心念專注,精實身體進而增強免疫力。 Monday July 22nd till Saturday July 27th from 7 to 7:30am (Taiwan Time) Learn to boost your immune system with yoga! Join us for 6 inspiring days of this powerful and ancient practice: Suryanamaskar with mantras (Sun Salutation with mantras). 【Schedule】 Teacher Karina Arenas will be leading us for 30 minutes, every morning from July 22nd till July 27th. Everybody can learn this simple and powerful practice. Even if you have a physical limitation, you can join us to train your mind and chant the mantras. The practice will consist of several rounds of Suryanamaskar with mantras plus a few more asanas and breathing exercises that will help us gather our energy to the center, focusing our mind and boosting our immune system.