17th Ecological Integration Symposium

7 videos • 98 views • by Texas A&M Wildlife & Fisheries wfsctamu The 17th annual Ecological Integration Symposium at Texas A&M University will explore the ecological and social challenges we face toward achieving sustainability in a human-dominated landscape. Through a day of plenary talks hosted by world renowned researchers, we will explore these themes from an interdisciplinary perspective. During a symposium of student talks and poster presentations, we will showcase student research that integrates themes of ecology, evolutionary biology, conservation, and sustainability. This year, we will be hosting a day of speaker presentations at Rudder Theater on March 31, and student presentations on the 4th floor of Rudder Tower on April 1. Confirmed speakers include Dr. Jayne Belnap, research ecologist with the USGS; Dr. Ruth Defries, professor at Columbia University; Dr. Lisa Naughton-Treves, professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Dr. Stuart Pimm, professor at Duke University; and Dr. Peter Vitousek, professor at Stanford University. Continuing the tradition of EIS since its inception in 2000, we are a graduate student organized and operated organization. We are grateful to our sponsors for their support and to the faculty, students and public that have been supporting EIS throughout the years.