Select Cuts #5: mcthfg
10 videos • 63 views • by Dubmission Records The 5th in our series of Select Cuts was compiled by our man in Changwon, the inscrutable mcthfg. "Even before I started working with Dubmission, one thing that always stuck out about the label was the wide variety of dub-inspired and dub-adjacent music they released. Of course, there’s a hearty helping of great dub tunes, but there’s also ambient dub, drum and bass dub, glitchy dub, techno dub, and everything else in between. Picking favorites out of their catalog was a really enjoyable experience – so many songs I loved got left out, but I think I managed to find a good representation of why I like Dubmission, with a little of everything here for the dubheads and lots of sounds that really round out the genre. I hope you find some gems you might not have heard before."