Select Cuts #4: Earthling
10 videos • 411 views • by Dubmission Records Our 4th Select Cuts was curated by Celli Earthling and comes with a stonkingly slick mix of all the tracks. This is what he had to say: "Dubmission has been the soundtrack of countless good times for me since I discovered their compilations in the late 90’s. “More Bass than Space” then became probably my most played CD of all time - tracks like ‘Baked Boanz’, ‘Jahmarama’, ‘We’re High’ and ‘Anchors in the Mist’ defined a whole era for me. Later I was overjoyed when Nick Doof and I released our Third Ear Audio album on the label in 2008. My selection here is a mixture of old and new tracks from the catalogue, specifically aimed at getting you out of your hammock and bopping on your feet! Thank you for Smoking!"