Health Innovations designed to tackle challenges emerging due to the COVID-19 pandemic (A 3-part webinar series)
3 videos • 19 views • by SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute While the COVID-19 pandemic has raised serious health and socio-economic challenges globally, it has also paved the way for new ideas and innovative solutions across various sectors. Healthcare innovation has seen a tremendous surge over the last 6 months as a result of the pandemic. Developments in innovation range from medical testing, contact tracing to management and treatment of COVID-19. This webinar series explores health innovations emerging from the ASEAN region designed in response to the pandemic. The potential to apply innovations across diverse resource settings are also explored. The series is organised in the following 3 parts based on the setting and application of the innovations: 1) Hospital based innovations, 2) Community based innovations and 3) Innovations in research.