American Medicine Today Radio ; 8-23-2014 : Season1 Show39

4 videos • 26 views • by American Medicine Today American Medicine Today original air date: 08-23-14 Hosts: Dr. Alfred Bonati, Kimberly Bermel and Ethan Youker SEGMENT 1 - We are joined by patient Joanne Davis in our "Back to Life" segment. Hear about her remarkable journey of living in pain to becoming pain free thanks to the patented Bonati Spine Procedures. SEGMENT 2 - Dr. Bonati, Kimberly Bermel and Ethan Youker discuss depression and substance abuse in light of the passing of Robin Williams with addiction expert Dr. Hal Urschel. If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction, you'll want to hear what Dr. Urschel suggests for treatment. SEGMENT 3 - We are joined by one of our favorite reporters and TV personalities, John Stossel from Fox News to talk about Obamacare. SEGMENT 4 - We hear about "What's New in Medicine Today?" with Dr. Alfred Bonati.