27 videos • 767 views • by LEARNTAU TML (Tau Meta-Language) is a variant of Datalog. It is intended to serve as a translator between formal languages (and more uses, see under the Philosophy section). The main difference between TML and common Datalog implementations is that TML works under the Partial Fixed-Point (PFP) semantics, unlike common implementations that follow the Well-Founded Semantics (WFS) or stratified Datalog. By that TML (like with WFS) imposes no syntactic restrictions on negation, however unlike WFS or stratified Datalog it is PSPACE complete rather than P complete. TML's implementation heavily relies on BDDs (Binary Decision Diagrams) in its internals. This gives it extraordinary performance in time and space terms, and allowing negation to be feasible even over large universes. In fact negated bodies, as below, do not consume more time or space than positive bodies by any means, thanks to the BDD mechanism. Source: