☆ New Method for Orchestra conducting; "3E Conducting" by Kuni.Ushijima

2 videos • 12 views • by Kay.u 『3E (Efficient,Effective,Emotional) Conducting』as the mixture of late maestro C.Abbado's technique and Saito method♪ This video is "Long Version(Ver)" ①:Kuni.Ushijima(*) ,my YT producer/tutor/advisor (Music and Regional Activation Activities), released his method of Conducting,"3E Conducting" this time.   ②:"3E Conducting" has 2 videos, as "Short Ver"(**)(as Introduction), & "Long Ver"(including "Set Pieces" such as HAYDN, MOZART and MENDELSSOHN).   ③: I, Kay.u, as one diciple of his conducting class, hereby upload his video, which would be contributing for your 1)decreasing Physical Burdens of Conducting, and, 2)increasing Attractiveness of your Conducting. (*) ; Kuni.Ushijima(クニ牛島) a regional activation consultant registered for                 Japanese public institutions.        an instructor for Orchestra Ensemble/Conducting. (**); URL of Short Ver=https://youtu.be/w5GVUHBa4AM