Obeliscus - 20th LP
11 videos • 95 views • by The band of the Blue Lamp 🎶 150.17 Vinyl issues split the tracks amongst these sides Before 'the speakuss' - 73.32 Side one - 11.26 1. Blood moon 2. The dawn of dusk (46BC) Side two - 19.42 1. The sorceress Side three - 20.25 1. The pit 2. Desnevorda part one Side four - 22.08 1. "Earth" 2. Revelation After 'the speakuss' - 76.45 Side one - 18.30 1. Die trying Side two - 21.32 2. Desnevorda part five Side three - 27.28 3. The obelisk Side four - 9.15 4. Solidify