The chronicles of Cornelius - 24th LP
19 videos • 100 views • by The band of the Blue Lamp 🎶 94.22 (43.23 - 50.59) Vinyl issues split the tracks amongst these sides Side one - 26.35 1. Time 2. The queen is dead 3. I am a monster 4. Hatred 5. The land of hate Side two - 16.48 1. If you do this to me I will rip your eye out 2. Crying sphere 3. Signals from within my head 4. UR LATE 5. Noone is here for you Side three - 23.39 1. Your my dream come true 2. Nothing will happen 3. Mr blue sky go away 4. The grasslands Side four - 27.20 1. Surf 2. Desperation 3. Sunday 4. Cornelius's theme 5. Volumes of revolution made public: 21/6/24 death of the corneliad