Last Days of Jesus
4 videos • 4 views • by Dipolog Christian Fellowship This is a Sermon Series on the Last Days of Jesus. In Part I - The Passion of the Christ, we will look into the arrest and trial of Jesus, and the lessons we can learn from His suffering. In Part II - Making Sense of the Christ, we will look into the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and death, whether His existence and death are historical facts, what is the meaning of the cross, and the answers to the common objections why Jesus had to die. In Part III - Jesus is Risen: Everything Changes we will walk through the resurrection story, discuss what Jesus’ resurrection means to us, and what should be our response to this great news. In Part IV - The Case for the Resurrection of Christ, we will discuss if there is historical evidence in the resurrection of Jesus and answer the common objections being raised by Muslims, atheists, skeptics, and naturalists.