Cave Diving in One Breath

12 videos • 1,302 views • by FiDive Freediving Just like wreck diving, cave diving can be an exhilarating experience for freedivers. However, it's crucial to always exercise caution and be extra vigilant when exploring underwater caves or tunnels. Unlike open water freediving, cave diving presents unique challenges, including limited air supply and the potential risk of getting lost in intricate, long tunnels. Before embarking on any cave dive, freedivers should ensure they have a clear plan for entering and exiting the cave. The primary focus should be on managing the limited air supply in case of any accidents. Some caves may be large and complex, and getting lost or running out of air before reaching the exit can have serious consequences. Safety should be the top priority, and thorough planning, proper equipment, and training are essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience underwater.