DRIVEN⎪℗ 2014 BPitch Control - Douglas Greed

10 videos • 4,183 views • by C1 DOUGLAS GREED - DRIVEN ⎪℗ 2014 BPitch Control Throughout the album, Douglas Greed plays with changing moods and tempos, always retaining the perfect balance between track and song, playing equally to his strengths as a euphoric stage performer and a sensitive soul. The exhilarating depth and maturity of his sound and his independent production process mean that all these elements combine on Driven to whisk the listener away on a grand journey. This is a journey driven by the desire for new horizons that effortlessly opens our eyes and ears, revealing that the heart of electronic music still beats loud enough to pump endorphins through our veins. It reveals the road ahead for anyone who, like Douglas Greed, likes to throw themselves wholeheartedly into each new venture. And those who are open to the challenge are likely to complete even mammoth tasks like the dreaded second album with great aplomb.