The Melanin Motive with Poko Rams

14 videos • 83 views • by Poko Rams Meet Poko Rams An aspiring media personality, podcast host, voice-over artist, and content creator. She is better recognised as - Your Dark-skinned Girl With A Motive, a title that empowers and celebrates the hue and beauty of her skin. In a world where women have to fight to be seen, heard and understood, This Dark-skinned Girl With A Motive is inspired to change the world, make the unseen feel seen and the underrepresented represented through storytelling. Her motive is to change the narrative, in a world as we know it, that sets societal standards that continually excludes and underrepresents women, particularly women of colour. Her personal story highlights her experience with this narrative and the struggles she continually has to overcome as dark-skinned girl in a society and media world that puts fairer hues on a pedestal. Her podcast, The Melanin Motive, is a map, a melanin manual and a motive that aims to cultivate candid conversations about navigating life as we know it in our 20’s. With her infectious energy and witty humour, Poko creates a space of inclusion and involves her listeners in the quest to figure out the maze we call life. The podcast allows the listener to reconsider the narratives of the world and be inspired to change them. The Melanin Motive is an ode to women, to women of colour and to the people who fight to be seen.