【樂施音樂馬拉松 2023】
100 videos • 2,646 views • by Oxfam Hong Kong 樂施會一年一度的音樂籌款活動「樂施音樂馬拉松」今年以《扶貧同樂,譜出無窮樂章》爲主題,特別提供現場和線上參與以供選擇,現場參加者更可得到踏上香港藝術中心舞台表演的珍貴經驗。 各位具音樂才能的大小演奏家及音樂愛好者,可以盡情發揮音樂才華,演繹充滿正能量的樂曲,為受災害影響的社區打氣,並籌款支援香港及世界各地的受災貧窮人士,加強他們管理災害的能力,確保災後可盡快自行開展重建工作。參加者可以結合朋友們的力量,積少成多,籌得更多的款項幫助更多有需要的貧窮人,讓他們脫貧自立。活動設有豐富獎品及證書,請踴躍參與! Oxfam Musical Marathon is OHK annual musical fundraising event, the theme of this year is ‘Compose a Humanitarian Movement’. Participants can choose to perform in person or online; those who choose to perform in-person can gain valuable experience performing on stage at the Hong Kong Arts Centre. Musicians and music lovers of all ages can showcase their talent and raise funds to support disaster-affected communities experiencing poverty around the world. Communities will not only learn how to prepare for disasters, but also how to bounce back better afterwards. Participants can gather strength from friends and family to accumulate more donations to help the poor communities in need, so they can build up their capacity and skills to improve their own lives and become self-reliant. These include community organizing, health and sanitation, infrastructure, training and income generation activities. The event will have several awards with attractive prizes and certificate, please join us!