Fable 1996 Annotated

6 videos • 16 views • by AbbyRemix YouTube at one point had annotations. YouTube at one point allowed collaboration on annotating via editorial link sharing. This was the result of that, a playthrough of a weird game, and a lot of upkeep. Way back when (2009, to be exact), I was trying to get a new idea off the ground for a Let's Play format of sorts, and I ended up calling it Let's Jab, since poking fun at a product would likely be where the value was added. More than just a playthrough recording, this became an event along the lines of Mystery Science Theater 3000, where what's hard to watch could become hard to put down. I'm honestly proud of what we all accomplished. Even if some of the jokes and things seem dated by now, this was some ground-breaking stuff back in the day when YouTube didn't really know what the future should look like. And we took advantage of that. We made our own future out of the pieces they gave us.