Ayurveda | The Science& Self Healing

5 videos • 213 views • by Jantrik Kontho A strong belief that Ayurveda should be shared with Westerners in a simple practical way. Heretofore, Ayurveda has been viewed in the West as an esoteric science. Yet it is a simple, practical science of life whose principles are universally applicable to each individual's daily existence. Ayurveda speaks to every element and facet of human life, offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries to all those who seek greater harmony and peace and longevity: The science of Ayurveda is based not on constantly changing research data, but on the eternal wisdom of the rishis who received this science, expressive of the perfect wholeness of Cosmic Consciousness, through religious introspection and meditation. Ayurveda is a timeless science and the reflection and elucidation here.Itt is hope, will serve the reader throughout his or her life. Ayurveda is concerned with eight principal branches of medicine. pediatrics, gynecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology and geriatrics. otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat). general medicine and surgery. Each of these medical specialties is addressed according to theories of the five elements (Ether. Air. Fire, Water. Earth): the tridosha, or three bodily humors; the seven dhatus, or body tissues. three malas (urine, stools, sweat); and the trinity of life: body, mind and spiritual awareness. These concepts are fully elucidated in this introductory text This book is mainly concerned with presenting a basic over-view of Ayurveda, including techniques of examination, diagnosis and treatment: promotion of longevity: the use of herbal remedies and other practical everyday aspects of maintaining health...... Please Contact for any type of copyright issue.