Yoshi's Island
60 videos • 10,843 views • by torkirby (6/1/14) - (10/15/16) **Complete** Baby Mario is escorted by a team of Yoshis to reunite him with his brother! It won't be a problem for *the* Yoshi, though, because the entire island belongs to him! Not all the Yoshis, though; then it'd be Yoshis' Island, with the apostrophe *after* the "s". This LP is very special to me and I consider it by far the best one I've made. I sought to make it as polished and organized as it could be and began to discover my own unique flavor of Let's Playing throughout the series. While it took more than two years to finish, being clouded by other priorities and issues, in a way it chronicled who I was as a person during the second half of my college career.