2015 SSA Annual Conference

45 videos • 447 views • by Secular Student Alliance So, What Is SSA Con? Every year at the SSA Annual Conference, hundreds of secular students and community leaders gather to share ideas and learn from each other. Unlike many conferences in the secular movement, SSA Con’s primary goal is to train student leaders and activists from across the United States in grassroots organizing and leadership skills. There are several key ways we make this possible. Most of the talks at our Annual Conference are 20 minutes long, and are intended to begin a conversation with attendees and speakers. Our speakers are available throughout the conference to network and chat with attendees! Many of our talks focus on effective activism and group running skills, ensuring attendees have usable knowledge to take back to their campuses! Throughout the weekend, students have the opportunity to network, exchange ideas and best practices, and form lasting relationships with other student activists, SSA staff, and movement leaders! Many of our speakers are students themselves, presenting the ideas and skills they have found useful in their activism and group running experience! More info at https://secularstudents.org/conference