钓鱼佬私房菜Fishing man's private food
6 videos • 54 views • by NZ Lucy Vlog 真正的钓鱼佬不但要会钓鱼,还要会吃鱼。海里的鱼种类繁多,每一种鱼的肉质都有不同的特点,烹饪方法对了,就算是卡瓦,也会让人垂涎欲滴,饵料鱼也能成为美味佳肴。走过路过的钓鱼佬及吃货们千万不要错过,简单易上手的海鲜烹饪方法从此让你大饱口福,让你钓鱼赶海动力无穷。 A real fisherman must not only know how to fish, but also how to eat fish.There are many kinds of fish in the sea, and the meat quality of each fish has different characteristics. So the cooking method is right, even if it is kava, it will make people salivate, and the bait fish can become a delicious meal. Pass by the fishing guys and foodies do not miss. Simple and easy to use seafood cooking method from now on let you eat a lot of food and make you enjoy fishing and chasing the sea.