1966 - My Dad (Maurice WARNER) & My Mom (Frauke STHAMER) did a Play on EUROPEAN TV.

2 videos • 0 views • by My Raw & Unedited Home Videos by PD Warner https://www.youtube.com/@MyHomeVideos... THESE VIDEOS ARE FUN & ENTERTAINING! This is a play in which my father, Maurice WARNER, played one of the leading roles. He is the guy with the sunglasses on when he enters the room. My mom was the costume designer for the play/ film - Frauke STHAMER. It was there that they met and, shortly thereafter, got married. My mom changed her name to Frauke WARNER. And then I was born in 1968. I'm Alex's daddy, PD Warner - and I made these home videos spontaneously, without any pre-planning at all! And I never thought in a zillion years they would ever be online!!! Eva is Alex's mommy and my ex-wife. Julia is my younger sister & Alex's Auntie. Bruno is our dog. Frauke is my mom and Alex's Granny. I made all my videos with my 12-year-old SONY video camera, which has an internal hard drive and an awesome built-in mic! Thank you all! PD Warner Contact: homevideosbypdwarner@gmail.com